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  • Jul 23 2015

    Heat Stroke in Dogs, Part 1: Prevention

    LifeLearn Team |

    Heat stroke is a serious concern for dogs. When their body temperature rises from the normal 101.5 degrees to roughly 104 or 105, they lose the ability to regulate their…

  • Jul 15 2015

    Photo - fire hydrant with dog in the background

    National Pet Fire Safety Day

    LifeLearn Team |

    National Pet Fire Safety Day is on July 15 each year, because according to the National Fire Protection Association, about 1,000 house fires are started by pets every year. This…

  • Jul 09 2015

    Photo of a cat lying on a sports car

    Cats in the Car: Tips on Transporting Your Cat to the Veterinary Hospital

    LifeLearn Team |

    Here’s a quiz for you. Even though there are more cats than dogs in the US, veterinarians see more dogs in their hospitals than cats for which of the following…

  • Jun 25 2015

    Screen shot of a YouTube cat video

    Why cat videos are good for you

    LifeLearn Team |

    According to a new study from Indiana University, there’s more to be gained from watching cat videos than a few LOLs. Researchers found that watching cat videos can actually boost…

  • Jun 18 2015

    Photo of two dogs on the beach

    Summer travel tips from the dog

    LifeLearn Team |

    Don’t you just love summer vacation? I like the mountains (did I mention I am a 90-pound Labrador Retriever?), but when my people head for the beach, I prefer to…

  • Jun 04 2015

    Picture of two cats cuddling

    June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month!

    LifeLearn Team |

    According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.4 million cats enter shelters every year in the US – and of those, only 100,000 are reunited with owners, another 1.3 million are adopted…

  • May 28 2015

    picture of a cat at sunset

    Does your cat go nuts at night?

    LifeLearn Team |

    It’s the middle of the night and the “Kitty 500” has begun – the cats are running top-speed through the house, bringing toys to the bedroom, jumping on the bed,…

  • May 21 2015

    It’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week

    LifeLearn Team |

    May 17-23 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week because any dog can bite. The AVMA has put together the infographic below to show that dog bites are a serious problem….

  • May 14 2015

    Pets Get Arthritis Too

    LifeLearn Team |

    May is National Arthritis Awareness Month! It’s meant for humans – but it’s a good time to talk about our pets, too. The term “arthritis” is an umbrella term that…

  • May 07 2015

    National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

    LifeLearn Team |

    May 9 is National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day, a great day to check on and freshen up your pet’s emergency kit. Don’t have an emergency kit for your pets? Here’s…