PennHIP is a novel way to assess, measure, and interpret hip joint laxity. It consists of three separate radiographs: the distraction view, the compression view, and the hip-extended view. The distraction view and compression view are used to obtain accurate and precise measurements of joint laxity and congruity. The hip-extended view is used to obtain supplementary information regarding the existence of osteoarthritis of the hip joint. (The hip-extended view is the conventional radiographic view used to evaluate the integrity of the canine hip joint.)
The PennHIP technique is more accurate than the current OFA standard, and it has been shown to be a better predictor for the onset of osteoarthritis. At our practice, we perform the PennHIP radiograph under sedation and your dog can go home the same day. We also help you with interpreting the result obtained from the analysis and help you with making decisions for your dog based on the results.