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Pet Services

Looking for veterinary services in Christchurch?

Additional Services

  • Puppy Preschool

Additional Medical Services

  • Laser therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radioactive Iodine Therapy

Our Facilities include:

  • A fully serviced strictly sterile operating theatre with filtered air, modern anaesthetic machine and full patient monitoring using electronics recording blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiration rate, heart rate, all used from start to finish for safe anaesthetic monitoring. We use fluid therapy in long procedures, for critically ill patients, all patients over 7 years. Our patients are on a heated pad throughout their surgery for a comfortable procedure
  • Purpose-built dental surgery, with full dental scaling, polishing and extraction equipment
  • Full laboratory with several blood analysers to give rapid reports (10-15mins) on your pet’s internal health. We can also test for diabetes, allergies, feline aids virus and leukaemia, and canine parvovirus, among other diseases. We have a modern microscope for all cytology
  • A radiology suite with a state-of-the-art digital x-ray machine, which will produce high-quality images of bone and soft tissue within 5 seconds
  • Radioactive iodine and chemotherapy ward for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats, and chemotherapy in animals
  • Ultrasonography machine used for internal organ results, bladder positions, tumour and pregnancy diagnosis
  • Centralized recovery rooms provide safe postoperative recovery observation and care of critically ill patients, with all-day heat pads, heated floors and oxygen therapy as needed.
  • Cats are stressed easily so we have separate cat and dog wards to provide quiet, low-stress recovery. They are equipped with beds, litter trays, blankets, toys, food and water bowls. Dogs are toileted 2-3 times per day
  • Isolation ward for patients with infectious diseases
  • Reception area with a great range of pet products including treats, flea treatments, toys, kongs, toothbrushes, shampoos and more
  • A wide range of balanced and complete pet food from Hills, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, and Black Hawk
  • Great range of therapeutic/prescription diets for animals with medical conditions such as liver, heart and kidney disease. Special diets are available for dental care, weight loss, growth, intestinal tract diets and animals with cancer
  • Puppy preschool indoor training area, with an experienced dog trainer held weekly
  • We are fortunate to have a close relationship with a canine behaviourist to help you with any of your canine worries
  • Referrals to incredible specialist clinics around Christchurch for complex cases