Administering ear drops to your cat

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  • Remember that the ear may be very painful and that the cat may respond by scratching and biting.
  • Warm the medication by standing the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes.
  • Hold the cat securely in your lap. You may need to have someone help you by wrapping the cat in a blanket with only the head exposed.
  • Make sure you have carefully read the label and understand the dosing instructions.
  • Draw up the liquid into the dropper.
  • Use the last two fingers of the same hand to hold the tip of the ear.
  • Place your remaining hand under the cat’s jaw to support the head.
  • Apply a small amount of medication into the ear.
  • Rub the ear against the cat’s head in a circular motion. Be cautious and gentle. The cat may not allow you to do this.
  • Release the ear and let your cat shake its head. If the medication contains a wax solvent, debris will be dissolved so it can be shaken out.

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