
Minipigs + Pet Services

  • Mini-pigs may be housed successfully inside if they are given enough space, an area in which to root, and proper environmental enrichment. Ideally pet pigs should have access to a safe area of untreated lawn outside in which to root and chew on grass. Pet pigs generally like to urinate and defecate in a single area that is far from where they eat and sleep and can be trained to eliminate either inside and outside. Pigs in urban environments may be taught to walk on a leash/harness and go outside like dogs. If this is not feasible, they can be trained to use a litter pan indoors.

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Our staff is dedicated to providing the best possible healthcare by getting to know you and your pet. Get to know our team today!

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Our Services

We provide a wide variety of veterinary services including Medical Care, Preventive Care, Wellness Care and much more.

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